Become IUNO+
Get something extra
At IUNO we invest in long-term relationships. Become a IUNO+ member and get free online access to a wide variety of legal information. And yes, it is free of charge.
Get something extra
At IUNO we invest in long-term relationships. Become a IUNO+ member and get free online access to a wide variety of legal information. And yes, it is free of charge.
Stay updated
As a business you need to know the rules of tomorrow, today.
IUNO keeps you up to date on the most important news within our areas of expertise.
Join IUNO+
As an IUNO+ member you can enjoy a wide range of benefits which add value to you and your business.
HR Wiki
IUNOs HR Wiki is for you who work professionally with HR law.
The Wiki contains searchable guides, legislation, news and seminars and covers all four Nordic countries.
Get smarter
Regardless of if you are new or experienced within your field, it is important to stay up to date.
Join IUNOs seminars or webcasts, where we discuss current topics, or watch the video or download the presentation from previous seminars.
Join our courses
Get trained in the subject or area you or your business needs.
IUNO offers ongoing courses for those who want to go into dept with a topic of need to get their employees trained.
The price depends on the course.
More benefits on the way
We keep developing IUNO+ in order to offer our members a wider range of benefits. If you or your business have special requests, please let us know and we will make every effort to accommodate them.
More benefits on the way
We keep developing IUNO+ in order to offer our members a wider range of benefits. If you or your business have special requests, please let us know and we will make every effort to accommodate them.